Thursday, September 12, 2019

Mock Interview Reflection

As a whole, I was very pleased with how the interview went. I was a bit nervous because it was for a job that isn't real, so I wasn't able to do my research beforehand like I would normally. I was also nervous because another student would be in the room filming, and sometimes it can be awkward or embarrassing to brag about yourself and why you would be the right fit in front of another person. My expectations of feeling uncomfortable doing an interview in front of a classmate and for a fake job were definitely not needed. It ended up not being awkward at all, and my classmate and I were very supportive of each other.
I prepared for the interview by doing my inservice, because it was about inpatient rehab and so was the potential job. This allowed me to know the little details required in an inpatient rehab setting. I also used the resources on blackboard to prepare.
Something that I would change would be trying to talk a little smoother by having less filler words and hesitation. I think this will come with confidence, which hopefully I will feel after my level 2 fieldworks.
One thing I learned is that my interviewer told me to talk about my leadership positions with SOTA and RKS early on, rather than waiting towards the end like I did today. Companies want people who will take on leadership roles and are eager to be team players, so rather than waiting for them to ask a question about leadership, I should try and find a time to talk about it early.