Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Knowledge Check 4/3

One point that I learned today during lecture was that women with disabilities die from breast cancer more than any other group of women. I had never thought about how giving a mammogram to a woman with a disability may be complicated, and that any medical staff may not want to perform this action. I am not sure why doctors would not refer a woman for this just because of her disability, since all women should be getting mammograms. I am glad that a video was made, especially by an OT, to advocate for these women and show the medical world that they need mammograms just like any of woman.
Another concept that I learned today was about the IHI Triple Aim. This includes improving the patient experience of care, improving the health of populations, and reducing the per capita cost of health care. All of these aspects help improve the health care system overall and are very important to have a successful system. While people may think that these are a given, they are not abided by currently, putting the United States in last place in many categories of first world countries health care systems. This shows how important it is to work on improving these factors.

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