Monday, June 17, 2019

Level 1C Fieldwork Debriefing Video

Here is my debriefing video of my level 1C fieldwork!


  1. Julia,
    I was also in a mental health setting and my favorite part about it was that the clients loved OT. So many of the clients I saw made comments about how much they enjoyed the sessions and how much they appreciated the OTs and OT students. It was really rewarding to hear and to be a small part of their happiness for those two short weeks. I learned a lot and I think you're right, mental health will be appropriate and applicable to any and all settings!!

  2. Julia,
    I was also in a mental health setting and my favorite part about it was that the clients loved OT. So many of the clients I saw made comments about how much they enjoyed the sessions and how much they appreciated the OTs and OT students. It was really rewarding to hear and to be a small part of their happiness for those two short weeks. I learned a lot and I think you're right, mental health will be appropriate and applicable to any and all settings!!

  3. Julia,

    Thank you so much for sharing! The facility you were at sounds very unique, and I learned so much just from your short video. It is nice that OTs have a significant amount of time with their clients, and they are not rushed to discharge. It is wonderful that all of the clients were looking forward to OT sessions and that the sessions were so client-centered. I look forward to hearing more about your experience when we are back in the classroom, and I hope you have a great summer break!
