There were many key takeaways from the guest lecture. One of
the takeaways is that our bodies change as we age, and many people will not
know how to deal with the changes because they may feel as though they are not
normal. Being able to talk about this subject with our clients will help them
feel more comfortable with their body and with their partner.
One intervention is education with the client. Someone in
the hospital may have had a hip replacement and have to follow hip precautions,
but sex may be an important part of their life with their partner. The OTs will
be the ones who will think about the patient as a person, and understand that
they need to figure out a new way to have sex. Education can involve making
sure they understand what their hip precautions entail, and what new positions
they can try so that they do not break hip precautions. They could also need to
be educated on energy conservation due to spending time in a hospital bed. This
can also include educating the patient on positions that will require the least
amount of energy.
Another intervention could be a sex education group session
in an assisted living home. Even though the clients may be older, they still
have the desire to have sex, so it is important that they are still being safe.
While getting pregnant may not be a problem anymore, STIs can still be
contracted. They may also be experiencing changes in their body due to aging,
so teaching them how to handle these new changes can also occur in this group
class. This group can provide socialization for the individuals living in the
home, and having other people going through the same changes can make them feel
more normal, rather than isolated.
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